Monday, September 1, 2008

Grand Prix Pomorza 2008 and foxoring

The first meters of the first stage...

GPP 2008 took place in Warcino. It is a nice and picturesque region which offered 3 fairly different O-maps. I must admit I really liked them all! Unfortunately, there were not so many competitors in each class, especially mine. I would even say it was a disaster to have only 4 other runners to struggle with... I don't intend to hide that my goal at this competition was to win each of the 3 stages and the overall classification as well. However, there was one small problem I had to cope with - my stomachaches which forced me to get a DSQ at two previous GPPs. Luckily, this year they just didn't occur! Third time lucky :-)

1st stage - middle (3,570km)

I had known it was going to be a very similar course to the first day at Baltic Cup 2008. I only wanted to avoid the mistake I made about 3 months ago. My mind was too hot and I missed over 2 minutes at the first control. This time my aim was to reach the first point perfectly and then just control the whole race... and I did it! It was one of the best courses (if not the best one) I ran this year. I left only about 30sec in the forest.
There was one more thing I really enjoyed while running that day - the very end of the course was situated in a nice park, which let me speed up and made me feel as if I was running a sprint distance race.

2nd stage - long (7,790km)

Probably I didn't really believe I could have had 2 brilliant races in a row because this performance was full of small and unnecessary (I know it sounds amusing but I was so brainless that day!) mistakes. There were only 2 controls (of 15!) + finish which were satisfying enough for my excessive ambitions. It is far too little...

3rd stage - shortened long (6,540km)

It was a comical race, just look at the map below. Is everything alright with the course? I don't really think so... Two controls (no. 4 & 10) are mixed up. While punching the third control I noticed that fact immediately. What would you do in this situation? Follow the red line or the numbers?! Of course I followed the line and it was the only right way to go. I think everyone should remember it but... in fact, if it had been Polish Championship, the whole race would probably have been cancelled.

Warcino Cup in radioorienteering - foxoring

That was something absolutely new for me. I heard about this type of orienteering many times but never had the opportunity to take part in it. In the afternoon after the second day of GPP my dream (not really...:-p) came true.
Foxoring is the easiest form of radio-O. It's a kind of scorelauf with a normal orienteering map. There is only one difference - the controls are not precisely marked on the map. There are only some big circles in which you have to look for your control with the help of a special radio equipment.
After my first experience in radio-O I am sure it's not the kind of discipline I would be fond of competing in. Why? There are 2 easy reasons:
  • you're not the master of the whole course, you are not independent, you have to rely on your equipment and have much luck;
  • orienteering - I love this game! simple? ;-)

Nevertheless, as the form of entertainment and relaxing from 'normal' orienteering radio-O is worth recommending!

What I achieved...
...and a red boxing punching bag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taaaa... otwieranie obrazków w nowych oknach znacznie ułatwia sprawę :) Poprzednią notkę już wczoraj czytałam, ale jakoś weny brakło i się nie zabrałam za komentowanie, w każdym bądź razie mi się obóz w kwestii treningów podobał i na prawdę uważam, że orientacyjnie dał mi całkiem sporo (szczególnie te pokojówko-szwajcarki i azymutówka).
A w ogóle, to bez słownika się tym razem obeszło :)