Today I finished taking my A-level exams;-)
I managed to pass all my oral exams with the following percentages:
Polish - 80%
English (basic) - 100%
English (extended) - 100%.
Judging from my answers, I hope to get the following percentages in the written ones:
Polish (basic) - ~75%
Maths (basic) - 100%
Maths (extended) - 100%
English (basic) - 100%
English (extended) - ~95%
Physics (extended) - ~50% ?!
All in all, I am very satisfied with my academic performance during the last two weeks. Fortunately, I do NOT have to bother any more and can completely devote myself to orienteering.
As soon as in some hours I am leaving for a very long sports camp. It is going to last about 17 days:
21.05. - some medical tests in Gdynia
22-24.05. - a 3-day competition in Germany (including 4 races; ultralong and sprint among them)
25-29.05. - a short technical stay in Denmark in order to get ready for the coming JWOC
30.05.-4.06. - physical camp in Szklarska Poręba with Pasza
5-6.06. - a 2-day competition in Czech Republic.
I do hope to improve my physical, technical and mental(!) shape there:)
Mocne zimowe uderzenie w Karkonoszach
Ponad 20 osób ruszyło na południe. Tym razem nie było taryfy ulgowej ani
zabaw pod kołderką, jak w poprzednich latach. Ten wyjazd miał być inny niż
1 week ago
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