Thursday, December 11, 2008

Unexpected competition on Santa's Day

It was called 'I Łódzki Dwubój Biegowy' (the English translation for 'dwubój' is 'biathlon' - funny, isn't it?) and consisted of 2 races. The first one was an orienteering sprint distance race.

My aim was to gain as much advantage as possible since the second stage was going to be a cross-country race for about 2,5km with a handicapped start.

And I pretty managed! I started 15 seconds ahead of Zielu, which enabled me to win the whole competition and get a huge chocolate Santa Claus. ;-)
Then we made a short cross with a map and came back home to relax a bit - I slept really soundly after such a draining day and hardly managed to wake up to watch the football match from Premiership broadcast on Canal+!

For my trainings, last week was very demanding, I trained every day and ran over 100km. I am sure it's the only and right way to achieve what I really want and look for. Today's training session's gonna be 13th in a row and tomorrow the deserved break is expected to get ready for the coming 12 days!

Finally, there's one more thing I would like to add. Namely the prize won by our friend Ruda in the poll organised by World of O and Ultimate Orienteering. Congratulations:) You see, it was really worth voting!

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