Monday, January 9, 2012

Great O-weekend!

On Saturday I had a really nice technical training. It was a really looong corridor in 3 different terrain types and at the end my legs got really tired. What's more, it was very hard to concentrate on the last loop... However, it was a magnificent session. More than 2,5h spent with the map in my hand!

In orienteering not only your technical skills are needed, but also your ability to run fast in the forest. That's why on Sunday I did a physical training on a special cross-loop (~1,2km almost only in the forest and a lot of it in a green forest...). I did 7 such loops with various intensity.

All in all, I feel that I made a great step forward in pursuing my goal on the right side of my blog.

Plans for the coming week:
Monday - jogging
Tuesday - moderate pace
Wednesday - strength training
Thursday - track intervals
Friday - free
Saturday - jog
Sunday - 5km race and probably a post here (?) :)

1 comment:

Połom said...

Zarąbisty treningol! Muszę z niego skorzystać ;D