Sunday, January 11, 2009

The winner takes it all!

Ok everyone! I found some time to write the note you are reading. I know pretty well it's been over a week now after our wonderful camp, but I wanted to do my best as for this particular note. MAMMA MIA, here I go again!

...everyone seemed happy at the very beginning:)

First rule: look well before going on a training!

- before and after -
Can you see any difference?!

we had to face some technical problems as well...

NOT all of us were on blissful holiday ;-P

We had to be really tolerant and give him some support ;-)

'it's been no bed of roses!'

'my dream is to fly over the rainbow so high!'

...the afternoon relax...

on the finish of one of these courses:

the so-called New Year's Eve loops

preparing for the long (maybe not for everyone=P) party:-)

elegant... guess who!

the fantastic FOUR!

almost The Beatles.......

I am so proud of this photo! My PB so far;)

'cała sala się buja, to nie koniec imprezy...'


exclusive - nothing else to add...

(: the cleaner - volunteer

- our last & longest running trip, really exhausting

After enjoying the photos I'd like to recommend you some films from our camp - you can watch them here.

After all, it was a sports camp! That's why I did a bit over 200km in one week:)
The results of my hard work you can see below.

I hope it was worth waiting so long for this note!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No nareszcie! A myślałam, że się już nie doczekam :P Oj było warto poczekać dla tych zdjęć ^^