How to make a course with nearly 400m climb in Łódź?
The answer is here:
The course parameters were as follows:
a bit over 14,7km with 395m climb
and lots of controls ;-)
I needed 100 minutes and some seconds to finish this course, so my effective pace was about 6:48/km. I think it's really good as for the training.
The aim of this particular training session was to reach as many hills as possible and I think I did manage very well! Obviously, I did NOT find all the controls, especially hollows under a huge layer of snow. :)
The first competition in 2009!
I may have exaggerated calling the morning's race a competition... However, I achieved a funny diploma for gaining the first victory in 2009. :-) I hope it's a brilliant prognostic for the future!
As far as the course is concerned, I must admit it was really interesting and enjoyable! I even visited two places (controls no. 67 & 44) I had never been to so far! Congratulations, Piotruś ;)
Finally, I want to emphasize that mine and Olej's route choice were of exactly the same length - 6,915km. Olej took 34-36-37-39-32 at the beginning. Funny, isn't it? :)
what about centimetres? I bet your routechoices weren't equal then :] zobacz se to miszczu. Znaczy pobierz rozpakuj i oglądnij ;)
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