Monday, July 21, 2008

Beginning not so tough...

I got up at 12:30 this morning (afternoon:P) and it took me (only?) 4 hours to create my own blog. What for?

After my performance in JWOC 2008 in Goteborg and long stay with our national team I think I became more mature and professional. That's one of the reasons why I started writing my own blog. But not the only one! Among others is also the fact that I really love this game and it's a great place and time to commit my feelings and experiences to paper.

I decided to use English on my blog to become more available for foreign visitors as well. On the other hand it's also a great opportunity to improve my (and your! ;)) language skills. If any problems with understanding occur, use the web dictionary It's the one I use during writing my notes whenever I need some help.

Don't hesitate to comment, it doesn't matter which language you use. The ones I undestand are Polish, English and German. In some time I'll publish my first interesting note about WOC 2008 and Orienteering Festival in Czech Republic.

I hope you'll enjoy your visit to my website!


Anonymous said...

Świetny pomysł i cóż..żeby Ci się szybko nie znudziło, więc wytrwałości w prowadzeniu bloga :) No i czekam na relacje z Czech.

Anonymous said...

Cieszę się że zdjęcie mojego autorstwa jest na górze bloga. Też zauważyłem że stałeś sie bardziej dojrzały i profesjonalny:P Życzę powodzenia i wytrwałości, ale tego Ci nie brak co widać po wynikach w bno. Oby tak dalej i czekam na kolejne notki:)

Anonymous said...

yeah it's really great idea.i improve my skills.w sumie podzio duże postępy.niech moc będzie z Tobą:)

Nika =X said...

wow ;D
no to mnie zaskoczyles tym blogiem kochany ;D
ktoz by pomyslal ;P
angielski masz perfect :D bardzo fajny pomysl ;))
i bede mogla podziwiac twoje sukcesy xD
brawo! ;D
kisses and hugs Podzio ;D ;**
much love ♥ !
Domia Farys ;P

Anonymous said...

It's a great idea! my English isn't so perfect, but I will try understand everything:)I keep one's fingers crossed for You:)

Anonymous said...

gratuluje! świetny blog! trzymam kciuki aby chęci i entuzjazm nie opadły w przyszłości.. mam nadzieje, że będziesz pisał regularnie.. pozdrawiam!