Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Like in a false mirror...

At the end of May the last 3-day competition took place. It was Baltic Cup in Koleczkowo. I decided to compete in the elite class and I didn't really feel like running at full speed...

Just after this competition we travelled to Italy to spend over a week in a beautiful place called San Martino di Castrozza and train before the forthcoming JWOC. Unfortunately, I got injured at the very beginning and had to give up my trainings...

When I came back home, it turned out that this injury was not so dangerous and I could start my trainings again! On the first Saturday of June I started in a so-called UKS Tournament. However, I had to shorten my course a bit...

Afterwards the time came to spend some days in Stare Jabłonki in order to prepare for the coming Polish Champs. It was quite a nice technical camp...

I came back home from this camp with an illness. Now it is getting a bit better and I hope to be perfectly healthy the day after tomorrow. Nevertheless, I had a successive break in the training period and don't really know what to expect this weekend.......

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