Almost 2 years ago Wojtek Kowalski wrote about the worst prizes in 2009.
In August I took part in Hungaria Kupa 2011 in Morahalom. For winning this 5-day competition in M20 class I won...
Probably, it's not the worst prize, but the funniest one I've ever got;-)
Fortunately, it was not the only one. It was placed in an original Media Markt bag - full of Knorr seasonings and ready meals. Intriguing combination!
Now it's all about preparing for the Polish Champs in night orienteering and regaining the shape. We'll see how it works already on Thursday in Austria, where the Junior European Cup is going to be held.
CU in Grotniki tonight!
Mocne zimowe uderzenie w Karkonoszach
Ponad 20 osób ruszyło na południe. Tym razem nie było taryfy ulgowej ani
zabaw pod kołderką, jak w poprzednich latach. Ten wyjazd miał być inny niż
1 week ago